"Music can change the world because it can change people." -Bono I agree with this quote by famous singer Paul David Hewson, known by his stage name Bono. Music changes the way people see the world. Even though the exact definition of music varies considerably around the globe, Music can be defined as the combination of vocals and instruments to produce beauty of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, and expression of emotion. People listen to different genres of music (Jazz, Pop, Electric, Classical, Heavy metal, Folk, etc.) depending on the following factors: 1. Personality traits 2. Mood 3. Age 4. Environment 5. Circumstance 6. Exposure 7. Familiarity Let us discuss some benefits of listening to music: According to estimates, an average person hears roughly 1.3 million songs in their lifetime. Research done by Statista in the second quarter of 2021 shows the number of music streaming subscribers worldwide amounts to 523.9 million . Paid music streaming sub...